Why SHA-256?

Presently SHA-256 is the most secure hashing function. This function expresses the possible combinations or values that result from the given input data. Using the SHA-256 function makes it (nearly) impossible to duplicate a hash because there are just too many combinations to try and process.

Bets and currencies

Bets are available in all crypto and BFG on the platform. Bids in all currencies will be converted to USD/EUR. Participate in as many events as you want with minimal bets of 0.1 USD/EUR. In the My Bets section, you can track your bets according to the currency selected for betting. If you choose BTC currency, it will be converted to USD/EUR but this bet is displayed in your history in BTC.

Token-burning game

Users asked for a token-burning game, so the BetFury production department is already thinking about how to please our gamers. We would also like to see more listings on various exchanges, so we are working hard to obtain the necessary documents and legal opinions to make it possible.

Last updated